# For Developers

LocalGov Drupal is a Drupal distribution (opens new window) that has been developed collaboratively by councils and their suppliers. It aims to deliver default functionality that most local councils need for web publishing.

It will need some development resource to get it installed, configured for an individual council's needs and ready for launch. It will also need appropriate hosting and security updates going forward.

Many councils extend the default functionality with custom development for their sites. We encourage all councils and developmetn teams to extend with re-use in mind and to contibute code and experience back to the project to allow other councils to benefit.

It is this spririt of collaboration, shared functionality and peer learning that is making LocalGov Drupal so valuable to all councils and developers involved.

# Get involved

LocalGov Drupal needs developers to help push forward features and issues. If you are a developer in a council using or considering Localgov Drupal please get in touch!

We also encourage contributions from suppliers supporting councils using LocalGov Drupal.

# Technical Slack channel

The #technical-group #frontend slack channels are good places to find out who else is involved or ask for help. Get in touch to join the slack channel.

# Technical Drop-in (Fortnightly Thursdays)

If you want some guidance or help, or just an idea on where to get started come along to the fortnightly Technical Drop-in. Keep an eye out for the details in the LocalGov Drupal calendar (opens new window).

# Merge Mondays (every Monday)

Every Monday from 14.00-15.30 there is an opportunity to review current merge requests and get your work merged in. Check out the LocalGov Drupal calendar (opens new window) for the invite.

# Technical Governance

# Technical Group

The Technical Group meets fortnightly with the aim of keeping LocalGov Drupal technically excellent. This group is selected from active LocalGov Drupal contributors from across Councils and active suppliers.

# Frontend Working Group

The Frontend Group meets regularly to consider the frontend issues. This group is selected from active LocalGov Drupal contributors from across Councils and active suppliers.